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From MOAA’s President: Help Shape Our Advocacy Agenda
Posted on: 10/13/23

From MOAA’s President: Help Shape Our Advocacy Agenda

By: Brian T. Kelly
OCTOBER 10, 2023

There is no shortage of work for MOAA’s advocacy team as the start of the new fiscal year looms. From ensuring a budget solution protects the earned benefits of those who serve and have served to securing the passage of a strong defense authorization bill, there is much to be done in little time. If you haven’t already, please join our Legislative Action Center so you can reach out to your lawmakers in support of these priorities.


However, as many of us learned during our time in uniform, we must be able to plan for the future while we tackle the challenges of the present – it’s the only way to ensure our association can continue the success we’ve had on the Hill in support of not just our membership, and not just military officers, but the entire uniformed services community. 

During my travels to meet with MOAA members across the nation, including visits with many councils and chapter leaders and members, I’ve frequently been asked about the selection of topics for our annual Advocacy in Action (AiA) campaign. Some members have asked how they can provide their input in this process, and while MOAA always has been receptive to the views of its members, we’ve decided to make the process of sharing ideas easier and more accessible.

We would like to hear from you by Nov 1 about topics you’d like to see prioritized for the next AiA campaign, set for April 2024. You can send that input via this survey, which can be found on MOAA’s Legislative Action Center site.

Please be sure your suggestion falls under one of the topic areas outlined in our legislative priorities for the 118th Congress, which will still be in session in the spring. Feel free to share the survey link with fellow members and others in your network.

The early deadline is critical to MOAA’s AiA planning process – topics must be approved by our board of directors so we can begin planning an array of informational and promotional efforts in time for the spring event.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important stage of our advocacy, and for your continued grassroots support of ongoing efforts on the Hill. Your work on all fronts makes a difference.

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